Nick's Hobbies 'N' Stuff.

If you ask anyone who knows me, I generally have at least one thing I obsess about at any given point. I'm not sure why, I think I just use it as something to keep my mind busy as I go about my day. Volkswagens, Cycling, R/C airplanes, R/C cars, Airsoft, Legos, and Halloween seem to be the main trends...

I grew up cycling as a kid, and as I got older it was something my Dad and I did together (and I did for transportation) When I moved to Tennessee I didn't have any reason to do it anymore, but after having lived here for 8 years I got the idea to clean my bikes up one winter and I started riding again that spring (2008) I rode around 1800 miles that year. In 2009 I did not have as much free time to ride due to going from 1 kid to 4 kids but I did get in what I estimate to be over 1000. Both years I did a 150 mile, two day bike ride that was a fund raiser for the National MS Society and both years it was the main goal, and highlight ride of the year. In 2009 Kellie was able to join in the ride by helping at our team's rest stop both days. She served up many sliced banannas to hungry riders. We also did Trek's breast cancer awareness ride as a family, Rose rode her road bike, I pulled Torie and Lizzie in a traile and Kellie rode her MTB. We did the 10 mile route. In Jan. 2009 Kellie got me a small sized digital camera and I took it on every solo bike ride I went on and took at least one photo I did not bring it to every group ride I went on though. You can see the photos on my photobucket page. Both my road bike and mountain bike are 1995 models. I bought my mountain bike new when I was in 8th grade and my road bike we built from a frame bought at a bike swap around my 2nd year of high school.

You can check out my past and present Volkswagens (here).

These last few years I have not done much R/C airplane stuff, but you can see my R/C airplane page here.

In the fall we put on what I'd call an "amateur yard haunt" to find out all about that, see my haunt page.

I collect toy cars... mostly volkswagens. When I got my first "real" job and Toys R Us moved into town I was there every weekend picking up one thing or anther. These last few years I've stopped buying them for myself (for the most part) and get them as gifts from friends or relatives. The photo above is what my collection looked like in 2008.

I used to be into radio control cars, but have sold pretty much all of it off. For all the details of my R/C past, see my R/C car page.

I've always enjoyed playing with legos - even as an adult I've been know to sit a few hours and see what I can come up with. Check out my Lego page for more info.

I am known to spend hours and hours on this website, without any good explanation as to why I put everything on here for people to see. I've had a website since my second year of high school, this is version 5. At my first host was my brother's local isp, then I used tripod for a little while, then I went with Geocities for about 3 years. I ran out of space on Geocities and moved everything to tripod to make use of the 15mb of space they offered. I write all my pages on free-form editor or notepad using HTML. At first I used FlexEd, a html page creator, and using that I managed to teach myself what I call raw html. From using FlexEd I managed to laern enough basic html tabs and tables to create the look I want which results in easy, reliable webpages that don't take long to load. Right now there are thousands of words and about 1gb of photos on my site. It is currently hosted by my friends at - some friends of ours from Atlanta that we've frequented volkswagen shows for many years, and even traded cars with.

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